Western Restaurant
一、词汇 Vocabulary
1、零点 a la carte
2、开胃小菜/头盘 appetizer
3、自助餐 buffet dinner
4、欧陆式/大陆的 continental
5、东方的 oriental
6、餐后甜点 dessert
7、主菜 main course
8、餐具 dinnerware/dinner set/tableware
9、水果盘 fruit plate
10、面包盘 side dish
11、沙拉盘 salad plate
12、汤碗 soup bowl
13、大汤勺 table spoon
14、公用勺 serving spoon
15、餐刀 table knife
16、糖饼夹子/蛋糕夹 cake tongs
17、瓶启子/开瓶器 bottle opener
18、托盘 tray
19、咖啡壶 coffee pot
20、牛奶壶 milk jug
21、胡椒瓶 pepper shaker
22、盐瓶 saltshaker
23、香槟酒杯 sparkling wine glass/champagne flute
24、钵酒杯 port glass
25、白兰地酒杯 brandy snifter
26、鸡尾酒杯 cocktail
27、搀酒矮杯 tumbler
28、啤酒杯 beer mug
29、普通啤酒杯 beer pilsener
30、牛油碟 butter dish
31、水壶 water pitcher
32、沙拉钵/沙拉踠 salad bowl
33、餐巾 napkin
34、台布 table cloth
35、餐巾纸 napkin paper
36、牙签 toothk
37、刀 knife
38、黄油刀 butter knife
39、鱼刀 fish knife
40、乳酪刀 cheese knife
41、餐刀 dinner knife
42、牛排刀 steak knife
43、筷子 chopsticks
44、甜品叉 dessert fork
45、沙拉叉 salad fork
fish fork47、餐叉 dinner fork
48、干酪叉 fondue fork
49、匙 spoon
50、咖啡匙 coffee spoon
51、茶匙 teaspoon
52、汤匙 soup spoon
53、甜品匙 dessert spoon
54、圣代匙 sundae spoon
55、冷的 cold
56、香的 fragrant
57、干的 dried
58、新鲜的 fresh
59、冰的 iced
60、辣 hot
61、甜 sweet
62、苦 bitter
63、咸 salty
64、酸 sour
65、浓 thick
66、淡 light
67、脆 crisp
68、味道好的 tasty/delicious
69、腻 oily
70、腥 fishy
71、老 tough
72、嫩 tender
73、硬 hard
74、软 soft
75、烧焦的 burned
76、多汁的 juicy
77、熟透 welldone
78、半生不熟 rare
79、适中的/半熟 medium
80、不熟 underdone
81、烙/烘 bake
82、炸 deep fry
83、煎 fry
84、嫩(炒)煎 saute
85、烘烤 roast
86、烩 stew
87、煮 boil
88、灼 boil /poach
89、炙烤/扒 grill
90、焖/炖 braise
91、清蒸 steam
92、熏 smoke
93、腌 kle
94、吉列 cutlet
95、丁 dice
96、丝 shred
97、片 slice
98、卷 roll
99、球/丸 ball
100、碎/碎片 chip
101、糖 sugar
102、焦糖/饴糖 saramel
103、冰糖 rock sugar
104、方糖 cube sugar
105、蚝油 oyster sauce
106、蔬菜 vegetable
107、黄瓜 cucumber
108、胡萝卜 carrot
109、萝卜 turnip 小萝卜 radish 萝卜茸 mashed turnip
110、番茄 tomato
111、洋葱 onion
112、青椒/柿子椒 green pepper
113、芹菜 celery
114、紫白菜 red cabbage
115、白菜花/花菜 cauliflower
116、绿菜花/花椰菜 broccoli
117、土豆/薯仔 potato
118、生菜/莴苣 lettuce
119、蘑菇 mushroom
120、南瓜 pumpkin
121、芦笋 asparagus
122、芋头 taro
123、茄子 eggplant
124、包心菜/白菜 cabbage
125、桐花菜 crown
126、豌豆 pea
127、菠菜 spinach
128、苋菜 Chinese spinach
129、空心菜 swamp cabbage/water spinach
130、蚕豆 string bean
131、竹笋 bamboo shoot
132、丝瓜 sponge gourd
133、西红柿 tomato
134、玉米 corn
135、紫菜 laver
136、调味品 relish /sy
137、芥末 mustard
138、醋 vinegar
139、酱油/豉油 soy sauce/ketchup
140、花生油 peanut oil
141、番茄酱 tomato sauce/ketchup
142、干辣酱 chili pepper
143、辣椒酱 chili sauce
144、黑胡椒 black pepper
145、咖喱粉 curry powder
146、五香粉 ses
147、味精 gourmet powder
148、葱 chive
149、蒜 garlic
150、姜 ginger
151、韭菜 leek
152、茴香 fennel
153、沙嗲 satay
154、芝士粉 cheese powder
155、它它汁 tartare sauce
156、水果 fruit
157、香蕉 banana
158、梨 pear
159、西瓜 watermelon
160、桃 peach
161、苹果 apple
162、菠萝 pineapple
163、荔枝 litchi/lichee
164、金橘 small orange
165、柠檬 lemon
166、青柠 lime
167、芒果 mango
168、杨梅 red bayberry
169、李 plum
170、杏 apricot 杏仁 almond
171、芒果 mango
172、龙眼 longan
173、橄榄 olive 橄榄油(沙律油) olive oil
174、柚子 pomelo 文旦/柚子 shaddock
175、草莓 strawberry
176、桔子 orange
177、樱桃 cherry
178、葡萄 grape
179、枇杷 loquat
180、西柚 grape fruit
181、香草 vanilla
182、薄荷 mint
183、龙蒿/他力根香草 tarragon
184、辣根 horseradish
185、果汁 fruit juice
186、热饮 hot drink
187、冻饮 iced drink
188、单面煎蛋 sunny-side up
189、双面煎蛋 overeasy
190、早餐 breakfast
191、午餐 lunch
192、晚餐 dinner
193、小吃/开胃菜 savory
194、蜗牛 snail
195、海鲜 seafood
196、金枪鱼/吞拿鱼 tuna
197、多春鱼 eggfish
198、大马哈鱼/三文鱼 salmon
199、龙利鱼(舌鳎) sole
200、石斑鱼 garoupa
201、鱿鱼 squid
202、蟹柳 crabmeat
203、大虾 prawn
204、火腿 ham
205、烟肉 bacon
206、香肠 sausage
207、肾、腰子 kidney 猪腰 pig’s kidney
208、鸭掌/鸭蹼 duck web
209、鸡翅 chicken wings
210、鸡胸肉 chicken breast
211、串烧猪肉 pork skewer 沙嗲串 satay skewer
212、猪手 knuckle pork trotter
213、猪心 pig’s heart
214、猪肝 pig’s liver
215、牛筋 ox sinew
216、牛百叶 ox tripe
217、牛杂 beef offal
218、牛尾汤 ox-tail
219、腰部嫩肉(牛、羊) tenderloin
220、薄牛扒 minute steak
221、猪扒 pork chop
222、羊扒 lamb chop
223、肉丸 meat ball
224、鱼丸 fish meat ball
225、小羊/羔羊 lamb
226、腹部肉 brisket
227、牛腩 beef brisket
228、西冷牛扒/牛腰肉 sirloin
229、T-骨扒 T-bone steak
230、小牛肉 veal
231、肉眼 rib eye
232、墨鱼 cuttlefish
233、调汁/配汁 dressing
《My change》英语作文
Change has been the one constant in my life. While staring out at the bleak Wisconsin winter, I think back to my beginnings on a warm troal island. The biggest change was probably the first — moving from that buzzing Spanish-speaking isle to the sleepy sea-side town that was Tampa in 1978. It took me some time to realize that the other pre-schoolers could not understand my native tongue. Before long, I too was speaking their language.
Five years later I, an excited eight-year-old girl, boarded a school bus in New Jersey. The excitement quickly turned to fear as I heard rampant swearing in the back of the bus. I was truly shocked when the bus driver did nothing to stop the vulgarity. In my schools in Florida such behavior would have met with a bar of soap and a visit to the principal’s office. A year later, I had a "Jersey" accent, and had started swearing too.
After nine years my family then moved to a place called "a whole ’nother country": Texas. I discovered that everything is bigger in Texas, from the size of a glass of ice tea to the distances on the road. My mother added barbecued brisket to the regular menu of turkey and Idaho potatoes on Monday and arroz con pollo on Tuesday.
The incredibly friendly Texans, wearing cowboy boots and going to high school football games on Friday nights, seemed a totally different breed from my friends in New Jersey. A slight drawl entered my speech.
In two years time, I found myself in the mountains of rural Bolivian. As part of a team of doctors and students researching hypertension on a group of African- Bolivian villagers, I quickly learned a new vocabulary that included medical and anthropological terms. The greatest test of my linguistic abilities came when a villager accused me of drinking blood samples in some kind of vampire-like witchcraft ritual. I had to bridge a vast cultural gulf to explain a DNA isolation and analysis protocol in Spanish to someone who had never heard of a gene much less a double helix.
A year later I stood in a line at a McDonalds outside Buenos Aires asking for a sorbeto with a Puerto Rican accent and receiving a blank stare in return. I did not realize that in Argentina the word for straw was papote. Working at the U.S. embassy, I could clearly see the obvious differences between the U.S. and Argentina, but being out among the people and actually experiencing the culture helped me begin to understand and appreciate the subtle differences which, when taken together, make up a people.
Each place I have lived has its differences, from the obvious distinctions of Wisconsin and Texas weather, to the regional variations of the Spanish language. I bring with me wherever I go a part of those places and the impact they have had on my life, most evident to others by the variations in my speech. Beneath all the accents, however, lies something more significant, for I believe who you are is immeasurable more important than where you were. When I was younger, I could not clearly discern between situations where I should or should not adopt the ways of those around me. With maturity however I have e to understand the crucial difference between adaptation and assimilation. I have chosen to reject the vulgarity of the New Jersey school bus; I have also adopted the Texans’ warm and friendly manner. Having experienced frequent moves to very different surroundings, I can adapt without promising what is important to me while learning from each new setting.
A sign hung in my garage for many years that said, "Home is where you can scratch where it itches." To me this means that home is wherever you are fortable and secure with yourself and your surroundings. I will be at home and prepared to meet new challenges wherever I am. Starting over so many times has taught me not to fear failure, but rather to embrace opportunities for change
牛腱子肉是指牛的大腿的肌肉,注意不包括牛屁股上的部分。 腱子肉是膝关节往上大腿上的肉。
五花肉bacon belly ;intramuscular fat ;marbled meatStreaky bacon, ie with layers of fat and lean in it五花腌猪肉(肉层肥瘦相间)
牛的部位牛展(小腿肉) beef SHIN牛前(颈背部肉) beef CROP牛胸(胸部肉) beef BRISKET西冷(腰部肉) beef STRIPLOIN牛柳(里脊肉) beef TENDER LOIN牛腩(腹部肉) beef THIN FLANK针扒(股内肉) beef TOP SIDE林肉(膝圆肉) beef KNUCKLE尾龙扒(荐臀肉) beef RUMP会牛扒(股外肉) beef SILVE三角肌(三角肉) beef MEAT牛碎肉(碎肉) beef TRIMMING
蛋制品Whole Egg Powder 全蛋粉Egg White 蛋白Egg White Powder 蛋白粉Meringue Powder 蛋白霜粉 Egg Yolk Powder 蛋黄粉Salted Egg Yolk 咸蛋黄
生鲜超市 /肉类 Side Pork 五花肉 Beef Tendon 牛筋 Beef Shank 牛腱 Cornish Hens 童子鸡Sausage 香肠Pork's Tongue 猪舌头Pork Trotter 猪脚/猪手/猪掌Loguat 枇杷Shallot 红葱头Bitter Melon 苦瓜Potato 马铃薯Spaghetti Squash 鱼翅瓜Fig 无花果Wax Apple 莲雾 Crab 螃蟹
beef finger是什么意思
edible things made of beef and mixture of pastry called beef finger,
other eg, fish finger, etc.
fremium black是什么意思
fremium black
premium black
They are made from our signature blend of Premium Black Angus chuck, short rib and brisket.