at first at present currently first first of all firstly generally speaking in the beginning in the first place lately now it goes without saying that presently recently to begin with to start with
after after a few days after a while also at any rate(无论如何) at the same time besides this by this time certainly consequently for example for instance for this purpose unlike what is more from now on furthermore in addition in addition to in fact in other words
in particular in the same manner(同样地) incidentally(顺便让我提一下) indeed meanwhile moreover no doubt obviously of course particularly second secondly similarly so soon still then third truly
after all all the same anyway at the same time but by this time conversely despite especially fortunately however in other words in particular in spite of in the same way likewise luckily nevertheless no doubt notwithstanding(虽然) on the contrary on the other hand
above all accordingly as a consequence as a result as has been noted as I have said at last at length by and large(总的说来,大体上) briefly by doing so consequently eventually finally hence in brief in conclusion in short in sum in summary on the whole therefore thus to speak frankly to sum up to summarize
1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言
A proberb says, " You are only young once." (适用于已记住的名言)