

admin 2021-04-18 33
高中常考的古代文化常识摘要: 关于积极向上的英语短文AsastudentIthinkweshouldseizeeveryopportunitytoconquerEnglishandmakelifelongfri...


    As a student I think we should seize every opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends with people throughout the world. By conquering English, we can help ourselves and others.

    We are human beings, not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our minds to do.

    As long as you open your heart.

    As long as you are devoted.

    As long as you are crazy.

    As long as you forget about your face.

    As long as you open your mouth wildly.

    As long as you broaden your mind. You will conquer English and expand your horizons. You will overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.



   We are the future of China, the future of Asia, and the future of the world!

    We can make the world a better place.

    We can make a difference.

    We desire to win.

    We must win!

    We will win, absolutely, and without any doubt!


作者:admin本文地址:http://www.my9888.com.cn/post/23238.html发布于 2021-04-18
