《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J·K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling)于1997~2007年所著的魔幻文学系列小说,共7部。
《哈利波特》共7部。其中前六部以霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)为主要舞台,描写的是主人公年轻的巫师学生哈利·波特在霍格沃茨前后六年的学习生活和冒险故事;第七本描写的是哈利波特在第二次魔法界大战中在外寻找魂器并消灭伏地魔的故事。
Ron’s mouth practically fell to the floor, along with his wand. Harry as well felt a wave of disbelief and shock come over him. There was another Weasley girl? How could this possibly be?
“But…” stuttered Ron, “I thought there was just me, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny. Who else is there?”
“First off,” said Mrs. Weasley with a great sigh, “will you please take this ridiculous curse off of me?”
“Yeah yeah, sure,” said Ron. Wide-eyed, he bent over for his wand, and removed the Leg-Locker curse from his mother. She rubbed her legs and sat down in the red chair by the library.
“So who is my other sister?” asked Ron, walking over to her. Harry followed.
“That,” said Mrs. Weasley, “is a long and not very pleasant tale.”
“We’ve got a few months until we have to return to Hogwarts,” said Ron, crossing his arms. “I’m sure that will be enough time to tell it.”
“Very well,” sighed Mrs. Weasley, slapping her legs. She took a deep breath, and began. “Well, I guess it all starts in the year 1970. That was the year your father and I got married, Ron. It was a lovely ceremony, held in the North Pole, something your father wanted to do. For the next two years, we contemplated having children, what with the state that the wizarding world was in at the time, but decided to go for it anyway. So, in 1973, Jamie was born.”
“Jamie? Is that my long-lost sister?”
“Yes, Jamie was her name. Now we, that is your father and I, were perfectly happy with only one child. However, the area in which we lived was not very populated, and except for a few teenagers, Jamie was the only kid. We decided the best way for her to have a playmate was to have another child. So, in 1975, Bill was born, and the two of them were as happy as could be.
“Now, around this time, dark activity was slowing down, and we were actually doing pretty well, financially wise. So, we decided that if we could afford another kid, why not? It would be nice for Jamie and Bill to have another playmate. So, in 1977, Charlie was born, adding to the happiness.
“However, I’m sure as you two know, in a group of three, there is always one that gets left out.”
Harry and Ron looked at each other. In their group of three, the two of the and Hermione, it always seemed as though each was getting his or her equal share of attention… right?
“Well, in this case, that was Bill. He was the middle child, and didn’t have the glamour of being the oldest, nor the cuteness of the youngest. The only solution we saw for this was to bring yet another child into the world, Percy.
“Now, at this time, Hogwarts was accepting young wizards and witches at the age of ten, if they showed enough talent. Jamie was the most talented witch of her time, and Hogwarts couldn’t wait to have her. In 1983, she started at school, and we were left with only three children, and now Percy was the one being left out.
“This is where things all started going wrong… no offense. Arthur and I decided than one more child would be perfect. However, neither of us were prepared for twins. You-Know-Who’s rise to power started, and your father had to work extra long hours. It was terrible: Charlie and Bill always asking me for the latest Quidditch supplies, and Percy demanding higher quality books, he could read at that age, all the while, Fred and George were screaming their eyeballs out. I thought nothing else could go wrong… until the day of the fieldtrip.
“Back then, all students at the school could go, not just the upper class wizards and witches. In fact, I think this incident is why they changed that rule.”
“Why? What happened? Where did they go?” demanded Ron.
“It was a field trip to the Egyptian pyramids,” continued Mrs. Weasley. “We were so happy that Jamie was going, and we even came to Hogwarts the day she left. And today we are so thankful that we did, that was the last time anyone one of us ever saw her.”
“What happened? Did she die?”
“Perhaps…” trailed Mrs. Weasley. “No one is positive today. All we know for sure is that she was walking along with her group one second, and then suddenly, she was gone.”
“Gone?” gasped Ron.
“Yes. She completely disappeared without a trace. We regret so much only taking that one picture of her, and the other one which had her in the corner. That’s why we have so many pictures of you other kids… in case anything ever happened to one of you.”
There was another very awkward silence.
“So… why haven’t you told any us, mom?” asked Ron slowly and quietly.
“Well, once we found out about Jamie, your father and I were at first heartbroken, and we stayed in that state of complete shock that one can only receive after losing a child for an entire year.
“However, after that yearlong depression, we decided it was time to move on, and the best way to do that, we figured, was to have another daughter. So, two years later, we had another child.”
“Yeah, you had me,” said Ron. “But wait… I’m not a girl!”
Mrs. Weasley gave a small chuckle.
“I know that, Ron, and that’s the reason why we didn’t want to tell you. We didn’t want you to think that you were a failure to us: that you should have been a girl, but you weren’t. Now, since you didn’t know, we decided it would be best if the others didn’t either, so they didn’t go about flaunting their superior knowledge to you. Right now is the first time I have told any one of you kids about Jamie.”
“But what about Bill, Charlie, and Percy,” said Ron, sounding almost a little annoyed. “Shouldn’t they have some memory of Jamie?”
“Oh, they remember her alright,” said Mrs. Weasley, rocking in her chair. “But, they don’t remember her as their sister. After just a few talks, and whenever the question came up, I convinced them that she was simply a childhood friend who moved away while they were little.
“Ah, how I wish I had old you all this before!” she exclaimed once again. “But, I just didn’t want you or even Ginny for that matter to think you were merely replacements, and inferior to the first child…. I’m sorry!”
Ron looked at his mother for a second, she appeared to be ready to burst into tears: both from telling the story, reminding herself of the heartbreak, and for love of her son. Then, Ron just walked up to his mother, and gave her a massive hug, all the way around her.
“It’s okay mom,” he said. “Just… don’t ever do it again!”
“Oh believe me, I won’t,” she said, standing up after their hug was over. “Now, if you’ll please, don’t tell the story to any of your brothers or sisters just yet. I want to be the one to tell them if it ever comes up again, not you.”
“Alright mom,” said Ron, watching her walk back to the kitchen and return to her cooking work.
“Well,” said Harry, breaking his silence, “that was a very dramatic moment.”
“Extremely,” said Ron, returning to the shelves full of albums.
“So… somewhere… out there… you have a sister,” said Harry.
“Eh, I doubt it. I mean, what are the odds that she’s still alive? Slim to none I’d say.”
“Perhaps…” said Harry, reaching up for another book. Then, when he opened this one, hundreds of small cards fell out all over the floor, creating a small, paper pool. “Hey Ron! I think I found your dad’s stash of cards!” Ron looked down at the ever growing pile on the floor and grinned.
“Good job there Harry!” he said, tapping the pile of cards with his wand, and making them all teleport inside a small sac. “Now we can really start to have some fun!”
Harry stayed at the Weasley residence for most of the summer, even celebrated his birthday there. Even though it was just Ron, himself, and Mrs. Weasley there the entire time during the day, all of that changed at night when dinner was ready. All of the Weasleys, except for sometimes Charlie, and occasionally Bill, came home at night to partake in the massive feasts that Mrs. Weasley always had ready. All eight of them, Harry, Ron, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Bill, and Ginny, crowded the table and laughed the entire time, due to Fred and George’s wacky inventions.
It was during those few funny moments that Harry saw Ginny, for the only time during the entire meal, say something (though he wasn’t sure if laughing would be considered talking). She kept to herself most of the time, and Harry wondered if that was because she still had a small crush on him, or if it was because of her new boyfriend: Draco.
Either way, Harry enjoyed spending time there, and his only low point throughout the rest of his summer was when Dumbledore sent him an owl in reply to his letter:
Dear Harry,
I would have to say, I am fine as well. I always love summer, don’t you? Even the worst days are the best… I’m so happy I decided to lengthen it a week.
As for your question, I am sorry to say no. Dudley cannot come to Hogwarts. Despite the fact that he has the talent and the desire, he simply is unable to come. I’m not sure if you have learned about it in school yet, but there is such a thing called ‘magical ripeness’. That is, the longer a wizard or witch waits to perform his or her first actual spell with a wand, and the more powerful the first spell that is used, the greater that wizard or witch will be.
Now, Dudley has never performed any magic with a wand, and he is five years over the usually starting age for school. This means, he will be at least five times as powerful as an average wizard. We cannot take the chance of having this extremely powerful wizard go over to Voldemort’s side. He would be especially easily corrupted and tempted, having had so little experience in the wizarding world.
Once again, I am deeply sorry, but in this day and age, we cannot take the chance.
Albus Dumbledore
Harry let the letter droop down. So… Dudley wouldn’t be coming to Hogwarts with him, Ron and Hermione…. He had been so sure that he would be able to! He shouldn’t have gotten his and Dudley’s hopes up so high.
“Hey Harry!” called Ron from the other end of the room. “Want to play a game?” He held up two decks of cards and shook them with a smile on his face.
“Sure,” said Harry, trying to cheer up. He walked over to Ron, and grabbed one of the decks right out of his hand. “Let’s go!”
Harry had gotten extremely good at the card game, which he learned was called Wizard Duel, and had even beaten Ron a few times. Fred, George, Charlie or Bill sometimes even joined in on the fun, creating multiplayer games which were even more exciting than one on one. The only bad part about the game, as Harry was concerned, was that the cards just… stayed cards. If only they could become real….
“Hey you two!” said Fred, during one of those such games. “You still haven’t seen the business yet!”
“Yeah, you have to see it,” said George, drawing his card.
“What business?” asked Harry, playing a Killing Curse on Bill’s dragon.
“Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes of course!” said Fred, countering Harry’s curse.
“Oh yeah…” groaned Ron, having his elf attacked by the dragon.
“Well, we’ll see it when we go to Diagon Alley for supplies for this year,” said Harry, using a Pin Spell on Fred’s Balloon-Beast.
“Hey! You popped him!” laughed Fred, throwing his beaten card into the air.
Before Harry knew it, his summer was practically over. There was only a week left of school, and Harry was feeling a little guilty for not visiting Dudley again. He had broken the sad news to him that he would not be coming to Hogwarts through a letter, and he had taken it fairly well. Though slightly disappointed, Dudley had not ever really known much about the wizarding world, so he didn’t have much to not look forward to.
Even though Dudley didn’t, Harry and Ron needed new school supplies, and the only place to go for them was Diagon Alley. Harry especially needed them, seeing as he had left them all at the Dursley’s, and did not feel like seeing Dudley right now. So, the day before the beginning of the new year, the two of them headed there with lists in their hands of what they would need.
“Let’s see here…” said Ron, taking out his supply list. Harry looked at his.
Sixth-Year Students Will Require:
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6
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Creatures. Creatures! CREATURES!
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What Makes Good Wizards Go Bad
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Magical Origins
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“Hmm, there’s not as many books on this year’s list as there were on last year’s,” observed Harry, eyeing it again. “Looks like I’ll be making up for that by buying a new cauldron, quills, parchment…”
“Yeah, well, this year we mostly use the same ones we used last year,” said Ron, folding up his list and putting it in his pocket. Harry trusted him, he had already had five other brothers go through the system. If anyone knew more about what to expect at Hogwarts, it was Ron.
The two of them purchased their books as fast as they could, wanting to try and get to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes as soon as possible. Even Ron looked a little excited at the thought of it.
Since the two of them had been to Diagon Alley so many times before, it only took them a few minutes to acquire everything they needed: books, quills, ink, parchment, and some new dress robes, just slightly larger sizes of what they already had. They stuffed all of their purchases into magical bags that stayed their same, small size no matter how much stuff you put inside it, and ran over to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.
“Um… Ron…” said Harry. “Where exactly is it?”
“I’m not really sure,” said Ron, looking around. “Fred and George said ‘you couldn’t miss it’, so it has to be around here somewhere.” The two of them, hands over their eyes, scanned the area, looking for any sign of the place. All Harry could see, though, were several small shops, and one rather distinct yellow building….
“Hey Ron!” yelled Harry, pointing at the very tall yellow building. “Is that it?” “Let’s go see,” he said. The two of them ran over to the building, and looked up at it in awe. It was the tallest structure Harry had ever seen, and it was entirely yellow. It looked so fluffy and nice too, it was like a massive marshmallow. And, right above the giant glass door at the bottom of the cylindrical building, there were the words: “Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, Inc.” in bright, multicolored letters. Through the windows that were all around the building, Harry saw many people inside, purchasing and trying out the items. It looked extremely busy.
Harry and Ron walked up to the front door, and it opened for them, just like a Muggle store’s would. But, after that, something happened that definitely did not occur at Muggle shops. Below Harry and Ron’s feet, there was a sudden burst of air that shot them right up to the ceiling.
“AAAHHH!” both of them yelled. They were now hovering with their heads touching the ceiling. Then, by some invisible force, the two of them were turned one hundred and eighty degrees so that their feet were on the ceiling now, or what was previously the ceiling anyway. Harry expected to fell all the blood rushing to his head, but he felt perfectly fine, as if he was standing right-side up.
“Whoa, what’s going on?” asked Ron, rubbing his head.
“I think that… this room is upside down,” said Harry, looking around. However, the room looked perfectly normal. In fact, there were others in the room in the same position that Harry and Ron were, buying or testing products, and acting as if it was perfectly normal to be upside down.
“This must be just another one of Fred and George’s little tricks, to try and enhance their customer’s experience at their shop,” said Ron, looking around. “Man, look at all this stuff!”
Now that Harry had gotten over the initial shock of begin flipped, he took a look at all the items available. The walls were covered in hundreds of colored boxes, ranging from the size of a small nut to the size of cars! Scattered among those boxes were also tricks and toys that were not packages, just out for people to sample, and many were doing just that. Among them, Harry saw a red-haired young man with a clipboard, checking off and writing many things. Harry immediately recognized him as Percy.
“Hello there Percy!” yelled Harry, waving his hand. Percy looked up from his work, and waved to the two of them.
“Hey there Harry! Ron, you’ve finally come to see it! Isn’t this place great? Though I don’t quite agree with some of Fred and George’s little ideas, like flipping the customers upside down when they enter, a few compromises makes everything worth it.”
“Makes it all worth what?” asked Harry.
“Makes it all worth having the biggest business in all of Diagon Alley!” exclaimed Percy, throwing his arms into the air, and giving a giant grin. “Just this past week, we’ve quadrupled our sales, and in the past month, we’ve made more money than the rest of Diagon Alley put together!” He had a superior-looking expression on his face, and was breathing a little hard too.
“Um… that’s great Percy…” said Harry. “But… where are Fred and George?”
“Oh, they’re working the cash register,” said Percy, returning to his work. Harry and Ron slowly backed away from Percy, and bumped right into
the check-out desk. The two of them turned around, and saw Fred and George, working tirelessly, taking transactions. The line for the check-out was so long it went up to the next floor, and money, receipts, and even a few items were flying everywhere. Fred and George, however, looked happier than Harry had ever seen them.“Hey there Fred! George!” yelled Harry above the excited talk of all the customers. The twins turned and smiled at Harry for a second, and then immediately went back to their work of checking people out.
“Can’t you two take a break for a second?” asked Ron.
“We are taking a break,” came a voice from behind them. Harry and Ron turned around, and saw the two of them standing right there, drinking some sort of wizard soda.
Harry felt extremely confused.
“But- you were just… the cash register,” he mumbled out, pointing in random directions. Fred and George looked at him for a second, then suddenly appeared as though they understood what he was trying to say.
“Oh them?” asked George, pointing to the people that looked exactly like themselves behind the desk. “Yeah, they’re our clones. We alternate shifts… it works out well.”
“Clones?” asked Harry, sounding very surprised. Last year, he, Ron, and Hermione had had some very nasty incidents with clones. “Isn’t that a little… bad?”
Fred shook his head.
“Nah, not really. They’re just like regular workers, only they look like us. We pay them, give them a place to live… it works out well.”
“Heh, you’re lucky that it worked out good for you because when me and Harry here tried to clone-” said Ron, before Harry jabbed him in the side with his elbow, signaling to him to stop.
“That’s quite enough, Ron,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Hey, how would you like to have the grand tour of this place?” asked Geo
1、哈利·波特与魔法石(Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)
2、哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
3、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
小天狼星被捕了,哈利不忍自己的教父受摄魂怪的折磨,在校长邓布利多的指导下帮助小天狼星逃脱。 ??
4、哈利·波特与火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
在好友赫敏,罗恩的帮助下,哈利顺利完成三项任务,当哈利与他的同学塞德里克一起捧起高脚杯迎接胜利时,噩梦才刚刚开始,奖杯是一把门钥匙,把哈利带到了一座墓地。塞德里克被食死徒杀死,波特的血液令藏在蛇身十三年的邪恶伏地魔复活了。 ??
5、哈利·波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
大蛇的影子在哈利的脑海里越来越清晰,伏地魔走近了哈利,这时,邓布利多告诉他一个天大的秘密。 ??
6、哈利·波特与混血王子(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
7、哈利·波特与死亡圣器(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
因魔法保护被麻瓜弗农·德思礼姨夫与佩妮·德思礼(原名佩妮·伊万斯)姨妈收养,就读于霍格沃茨魔法学校格兰芬多学院,魔杖长11英寸,冬青木,杖芯是凤凰福克斯的尾毛,职业为傲罗,因是唯一一位逃过敌人伏地魔的阿瓦达索命咒的人,被称为“大难不死的男孩”(The boy who lived )。
赫敏·格兰杰 (Hermione Granger),全名为赫敏·简·格兰杰(Hermione Jane Granger),是《哈利·波特》系列女主角,生于1979年9月19日,出身一个麻瓜家庭。现任魔法部部长。
罗恩·韦斯莱(英文:Ron Weasley)是英国女作家J.K.罗琳著名魔幻小说《哈利·波特》系列中的男二号,出生于1980年3月1日,为霍格沃茨魔法学校的学生。