

2021 2021-02-21 50
六年级英语试卷资料|六年级英语上册摘要: 小学六年级英语上册有答案的试卷冀教版六年级上册英语期末试卷含听力材料听力部分听录音,选择你听到的单词,填序号。(10分)()1、A.dryB.myC.tryD.wet()2.A.h...





( )1、A.dry B.my C.try D.wet

( ) 2. A.holiday B.yesterday C.today D.Saturday

( ) 3. A.these B.there C.those D.here

( ) 4. A.skate B.skates C.ski D.skiing

( ) 5. A.live B.give C.gift D.living

( ) 6. A. sing B.song C.think D.sink

( ) 7. A.ball B.fall C.fell D.mall

( ) 8. A.hotel B.west C. day D.western

( ) 9. A.eat B.eats C. ate D.often

( ) 10. A.day B.date C.today D.way


( )1. A.It’s a 6:00. B.It 6:00. C.It’s 6:00. D.It a 6:00

( ) 2. A.He is siting. B.He is sitting. C.He is sit. D.He sitting.

( ) 3.A.June first. B.September 六年级英语试卷资料|六年级英语上册 tenth.

C.October first. D.December twenty-fifth.

( ) 4.A.She is walking to the park. B.She is going to walking to the park.

C. She is going to walk to the park. D.She walks to the park.

( ) 5.A.It’s winter. B.It’s spring. C.It’s summer. D.It’s fall.



连指手套 三角形 冰箱 厨房 夏天


1、The green pencil is (你的)

2、Danny (想)to learn Chinese.

3、I am (wash) my hands now.

4、Here (come) the school bus.

5、I have many beautiful (连衣裙)。

6、Everyone in the classroom is (quiet)

7、Today is (rain),I have to put on my rain boots.

8、Danny (love) winter very much, because he wants (play) in the snow.

9、Look! They are ( sit) on the couch.


1、I would like hamburgers. A.eat B.ate C.eats D.to eat

2、Mum eggs on the stove now. A.cook B.cooks C.cooking D.is cooking

3、Let’s put a circle usually. A.on B.to C.in D.for

4、I am going to play guitar. A.the B.a C.an D./

5、I like the shapes. A. a B.an C.the D.all

6、Is your father a teacher a driver? A.and B.or C.of D.to

7、Let’s some books on the table. A.put B.puts C.to put

8、Everyone in the room supper. A.eat B.eating C.eats

9、Here’s I like to do. A.who B.where C.when D.what

10、 is the temperature? A.How B.What C.What’s D.How’s



( )Is it a dish? A.I’m from China.

( ) Is it a dish or a plate? B.It’s a dish.

( )Can you play the piano? C.Three.

( )How’s the weather today? D.It’s rainy.

( )How many children are there? E.Sure, I can.

( )Where are you from? F.Yes, it’s a dish.


Jenny:I want to you to .

Li Ming: Thank you, Jenny!

Jenny:Yon need to take your shorts and put on your pants.

Li Ming: do I need to my pants.

Jenny: it is cold outside. It's winter.

Li Ming: OK!

Jenny:Can you skate forwards?

Li Ming: I I can.

Jenny:You learn fast, Li Ming!

Li Ming: Thank you, Jenny! I think you are a good teacher. I want to to ,too.

六.猜一猜, 将正确的词语写在横线上. (8分)

1.You take it on a rainy day. If you forgot it, you will get wet. It is an .

2. This is a season. It's warm and rainy. The flowers bloom. It is .

3.It's a man. It makes with snow. It's a .

4.It's a kind of vegetables. It's round. When you cut it. It can hurt your eyes.It's an (carrot, onion, peas)

七. 阅读短文, 判断正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F.(5分)

It's October seventh. The season is fall. The weather is sunny, but cool. The temperature is about 17 degrees. The pupils (小学生) of No.12 School have no lessons. They are in the park. The park is beautiful and large.There are many trees and flowers in it. There is a river and a hill in it, too. Some girls are under a big tree. They are singing and dancing. Tom and Jack are sitting beside the river. They are drawing. Kate is there,too. She is looking at the fish in the river. Look, there is an apple in Rose's hand. She is eating it. They are happy.

( )1. It's a cold day, today.

( )2. The pupils are in the classroom.

( )3.Kate is looking the fish.

( )4.The park is small.

( )5.They are having a good time.

八.写作. (5分)

以My favourite season 为题, 写一段话.

1.书写规范, 语句通顺. 2.不少于五句话.


一、1、A.dry 2. B.yesterday 3. B.there 4. A.skate 5. C.gift

6. D.sink 7. A.ball 8. D.Western

9. C. ate 10. C.today


( C )1. What time is it now?

( B ) 2. What is he doing?

( D ) 3.When is Christams?

( C ) 4.What is she going to do?

( A ) 5.The weather is cold and snowy. What season is it?

三、 4 3 5 1 2

We make snowmen in China. First,we make a big ball of snow. Then we make another snowball. This one is smaller than the first. We make another small snowball. We put it on top. Let's make a face on the snowman. This carrot is his nose. I have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.I think he's wonderful.


小学六年级英语模拟试卷 (三)

一. 英汉互译

在星期五下午 look for _________ ___

跑得快 have a good time ________ _____

上车 ___________ __ take part in ________ _____

在……前面_________ ____collect stamps __________ ___

去购物 ___________ _ the Great Wall _________ ____


( ) 1. —Who’s taller than Wang Bing? —

A. I do. B. I am. C. Yang Ling does.

( ) 2. What animal is her cousin going to ?

A. look at B. look C. looking at

( ) 3. ________ his uncle any books?

A. Do, have B. Does, has C. Does, have

( ) 4. Who do you want to .

A. write to B. write C. writing to

( ) 5. —Whose hairdryer is it? —

A. It’s her B. They’re hers C. It’s hers.

( ) 6. —Where were you last weekend? —

A. She was at home. B. I was at home. C. I were at home.

( ) 7. My father _________ every morning.

A. ran B. run C. runs

( )8. — What’s the weather like there? — It usually _____________.

A. rain B. rainy C. rains

( )9.___________ bird is bigger, the blue one or the red one?

A. Which B. Whose C. Who’s

( )10.What are the twin sisters doing? —_____________.

A. They’re joging. B. She’s jogging. C. They’re jogging.

( )11. I would like _____________ you my new pen.

A. to show B. show C. showing

( )12. I am going to __________in the small town__________ two weeks.

A. live, for B. live, to C. living, for

( ) 13. — Do the girls in red jump higher than the girls in green?

— ?

A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, she does.

( ) 14. My uncle very well in ten years ago.

A. does, swimming B. did, swimming C. did, swim

( ) 15. Do you have any _____________ ?

A. apples or oranges B. an apple or an orange C. apples and oranges

( ) 16. A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No. ___ is yellow .

A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me

( )17. ______ any men in the room ?

A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren’t D. There isn’t

( ) 18 . Classes begin seven fifty -five .

A . in B . on C . at D . for

( ) 19. The bed the right is yours .

A . on B . in C . at D . of

( ) 20.These books are my .

A.classmates B.classmates's C . classmates' D . classmates of


1. _______________ (not draw) on the wall.

2. When_____ you _____ (go ) to school this morning?

I ____ (go) to school at seven.

3. Jim speaks ________. (France)

4. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.

5. ______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)? No, it’s not ______ (I).

6.I _____________ (read ) English now.

7.There ______(be) a big cake and some fruit on the table.

8. Tom _______(have) a birthday party every year.


( ) 1. What can she do ? A. She always goes to the zoo.

( ) 2. Here’s a chair for you. B. Yes, I’d love to.

( ) 3. How much are these apples? C. It’s on Nanjing Road

( ) 4. Where are you going? D. About ten yuan.

( ) 5. Are you as tall as him? E. She can play the piano.

( ) 6. Where’s the bookshop? F. Thank you.

( ) 7. Would you like to come? G. No, I am taller than him.

( ) 8. How does she spend her weekends? H. I’m going to the playground.

四. 改错:(12分)

( )1. My birthday is on first of April. ___________


( )2. I’d like to some balloons . ___________


( )3.Does Ben and his brother like cartoons? ________ __


( )4.They are talk about the weather in Nanjing. ___________


( )5.What do it mean? ___________


( )6.Ben have a Chinese friend . ___________



( )Which season do you like best?

( )How about you?

( )I like autumn best.

( ) Me, too.


1.I like __________ best. Because it’s snowy. I can make snowmen.

2. She wants to write a __________ to her penfriend .

3. There are five p in my family.

4.Look!There are so many presents under the _________tree .

5. W camera is that? It’s mine.

6..His grandpa needs a pair of __________ when he reads newspapers.


1. He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)

__________ __________________

2. Mike is shorter than me. (改为同义句)

___________ _______________

3. _____________________(根据答句提问题)I play the piano.

4. This computer is my father’s. (对画线部分提问)

___________ ______

5. There are some old men in the classroom? (改为单数句)

______________________ __________________

6. I go to school by bus every day. (用Mike替换I)

_____________________________ ____________


1.— 我的书包比你的重.

My schoolbag is _______ than _______.

2.— 昨天上是六一儿童节。你们干什么的?

It _______ ________ ________ yesterday. _

_______ ________ you ______?

3. — 他们正在干什么? — 他们正在上语文课。

— What _______ they _______? — They’re _______ a Chinese lesson .

4. 你去年教师节给你的英语老师卡片了吗?是的。

__ __ you give a card to your English teacher ___ __ Teachers’ Day?

__ _,_ __ __ __.


My family live in a big house in Nanjing. In the morning, my father goes to work. My two sisters—Ann,Mary and I go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother doesn’t work. because she can’t speak any Chinese. She cleans all the rooms every day. She has lunch at home and then visits her friends in the afternoon. She wants to go back to England very much. Dad is very busy every day . My sisters and I come home by bus together at 5:10 in the afternoon. My father gets home at 6:30. My mother cooks dinner for us and we have supper together at home. I think I have a happy family.

( ) 1. My family are now in China.

( ) 2. My parents have two children.

( ) 3. My mother can speak a little Chinese.

( ) 4. My sisters and I come home by car.

( ) 5. My father isn’t free every day.

Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She

usually gets up early on Saturday. She exercises in the garden for about half anhour.Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. Sheoften plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.. The dog runs and

jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't

take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her

neighbors. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for

herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much..

( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and ______ in the garden on Saturday .

A. get up ; exercise B. gets up , exercises C. gets up , exercise

( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .

A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework

( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .

A. Her neighbors B. Her dog C. Her teacher

( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .

A. exercises B. cleans her house C. watches TV

( ) 5. She often ______ for _______ .

A. walks ; her neighbors B. watches TV ;herself

C. cooks dinner ;herself




1. Look _____the beautiful picture, please.

A in B on C at D of

2. Do you have ______ink?

A. any B. some C.an D. a

3. How much is seven an twenty-six? It’s____.

A. nineteen B. thirty-three

C.twenty D. eleven

4. _____is Mr. White? He is fifty.

A.How B.When C. Where D. How old

5. ____ is your mother? She’s a dancer.

A. Where B. How C. What D. Which

6. The two shirts look _____same.

A.a B. an C. \ D. the

7. ________! Are you Anne? No, I’m not.

A. Hello B.Sorry C.Hi D. Excuse me

8. Your grandma is old . Please _____her.

A. look like B.look in

C. look after D. look in

9. Can you say it _____English?

A. by B.in C. at D. with

10.___Is this your pen ? ___Yes.


. A. Thank you B. You are Welcome

C. Here you are D. That’s ok

11. How much ______do you have?

A. money B. book C. pens D. cats

12. ____ is Mary? She is at school.

A. Where B.Who C. When D. How

13. I can ____two ice-cream.

A. eating B. eat C. eats D. eates

14. I’ve got ______English book.

A. any B. many C. much D. some

15. Is there ______water inn the bowl?

A. any B. many C. much D. some

二、用a \an 填空。

1.This is ______melon and that is _____apple.

2 . I can send my friend ______ e—mail.

3. Do you live in ___house?

No. My family lives in ___ apartment.

4。You can see ______old man in Picture One.


1. My father is tall. My brother is ______.

2. This cat is _____. That cat is small.

3.The red flower is strong. The blue flower is ____.

4. The building is high. The house is ______.

4. Those cows are_____. These ducks are sick.


1. __________ is Sam?

He is in the swimming pool(游泳池)。

2. ________ is the doing?

He is swimming.

3._______does he usually swim?

He swims at 9:00 in the morning.

4.____does he go to the swimming pool?

By bus.

5.——is your father ?

He is a teacher.

五. 看图完成句子。

1. This is a------

2. Here is -------

3. How many ------make a -----?


4. What is this? It is a ---

5. My favourite ------ is -------(Draw it below)


1. is a bed this ?

2. are these red shoe .

3. would like what you ?

4. to nice you meet .

5. in the cabbage is the sink .

七. 阅读短文判断正误,对的写Yes错的写No

Bob come from England. He is eleven. He likes to play basketball. His father Mr brown works in a big shop in Shijiazhuang. Bob has a brother. His name is Mike. He is only four.

It is Saturday. Bob’s family is all at home. Mr. Brown is sitting on a chair and reading a book. Bob is cleaning his new bicycle. His brother is playing with his dog.

1. Bob like to play soccer. ( )

2. Bob has an old bike. ( )

3. Mike is playing his cat. ( )

4. The family has four people.( )

5. The family is all at home ( )


1. These are apples.

2. There are many peaches on the tree.

3. What are they? They’re oranges.

4. They are good children.

5. Where are my shoes


一、单词辨音 找出每组单词中划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)

  1. ( ) A. third B. circle C. turn D. Saturday

  2. ( ) A. colour B. pencil C. can D. cake

  3. ( ) A. know B. brown C. low D. window

  4. ( ) A. cook B. good C. food D. look

  5. ( ) A. season B. please C. eat D. great

  6. ( ) A. elephant B. eleven C. evening D. envelope

  二、单项选择 从下列每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  ( )1、They are reading about an English boy ________ the newspaper.

  A. on B. at C. in

  ( )2、Can I have ________ postcards?

  A. any B. a C. some

  ( )3、Who do you want to ________?

  A. write B. write to C. writing

  ( )4、I ________ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon.

  A. saw B. see C. am seeing

  ( )5、Yang Ling and I ________ have the same hobbies.

  A. all B. both C. are

  ( )6、You ________ me about it yesterday.

  A. tell B. told C. talked

  ( )7、Are you going to take part ________ the meeting?

  A. on B. at C. in

  ( )8、There ________ a concert in the school tomorrow.

  A. is B. are C. have

  ( )9、Which season do you like ________?

  A. better B. good C. best

  ( )10、The car is ________ than the old one.

  A. nice B. nicer C. very nice


  1. by the way ________________ 2. a quarter to one ______________

  3. do more exercise _____________ 4. of course _______________

  5. 去散步 ______________________ 6. 在公共汽车站_______________

  7. 在秋季 _____________________ 8. 上课;有课 ________________

  9. 写一封信 ___________________ 10. 下个星期 __________________

  四、单词填空 从所给的句子中选出一个符合题意的单词,使句子完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  1. The students are listening to the teacher ____________ (quiet)in class.

  2. Whose comb is this? It's ______ (she), I think.

  3. It's 2:00 in the afternoon. The children __________(make) a kite.

  4. Let usgo and join _______ (they).

  5. That girl can ______ (sing) French songs.

  6. What is in the basket? There ______(be) some apples in it. (be)

  7. How many ______ (read) rooms are there in this building?

  8. Miss Li lives on the _______ (two) floor in this building.

  9.My sister likes _______ (run) very much.

  10. Helen _______ (pick) many apples on the farm last week.

  五、句型转换 将下列句子按要求改写。(共6小题,每小题1.5分.,满分9分)

  1.He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)

  2.I know his telephone number. (改为一般疑问句)

  3.I get up at six thirty every day. (用yesterday morning 替代every day)

  4.They are going to see a film tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

  5.She is an English girl. (变为复数)

  6. the, like, what, weather, June, is, in (?)


  六、完成句子 根据所给的中文意思,完成其英文句子。(每空一词,每词0.5分,满分10分)

  1. Jack只有四岁但他总是有许多的问题。

  Jack is only _______ years old but he __________ has a lot of ___________.

  2. — Tom比你跑得快吗?— 是的。不过他比Janny跑得慢。

  — __________ Tom ___________ ____________ than you?

  — Yes, he __________ . But he ___________ ____________ than Janny.

  3. 今天是运动日。所有的学生都很兴奋。Su Hai 和Su Yang 正在看跑步比赛。

  It is Sports Day. ___________ the students are very ____________. Su Hai and Su Yang are _____________ the running race.


  It is _______ in spring. The trees turn __________.


  You can______________bus No. 8__________ __________ __________the cinema.

  6. Su Yang比我小了二十分钟。

  Su Yang is 20 minutes ____________ than _____________.



  Mr. Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No.15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to work by school bus every morning

  There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.


  ( )1. Mr. Green is Canadian.

  ( )2. He likes teaching very much.

  ( )3. He goes to work by bike every morning.

  ( )4. He speaks Chinese in class.

  ( )5. He likes his students very much.


  This is a picture of a


family. The grandmother’s name is Harry Smith. The grandfather’s name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans. The father’s name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mother’s name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The son’s name is John Smith and the daughter’s mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It’s a very good family.

  ( )1. Lake Smith’s parents are .

  A. Americans B. American C. America

  ( )2. John’s father is .

  A. 44 B. 40 C. very old

  ( )3. Mary’s mother is a .

  A. teacher B. policeman C. doctor

  ( )4. They are in the school.

  A. some B. same C. any

  ( )5. The family has children.

  A. six B. two C. four


  以My family为题,写一篇不少于5个句子的作文




  三、1. 顺便说 2. 12:45 3.做更多的练习运动 4.当然 5. go for a walk 6. at the bus stop 7. in autumn 8. have school 9. write a letter 10. next week

  四、1. quietly 2. hers 3. are making 4. them 5. sing6. are 7. reading 8. second 9. running 10. picked

  五、1. He doesn’t do well in Maths.

  2. Do you know his telephone number?

  3. I got up at six thirty yesterday morning.

  4. What are they going to do tomorrow?

  5. They are English girls.

  6. What is the weather like in June?

  六、1. four, always, questions 2. Does, run, faster, does, runs, slower

  3. All, excited, watching 4. warm, green 5. take, in front of 6. younger, me





























































作者:2021本文地址:http://www.my9888.com.cn/post/9993.html发布于 2021-02-21
